The Chai Times:

The Chai Times is a curated weekly email with inspirational, meaningful, and fun content on Jewish thought, holidays and YJP community happenings, read by 1000 people on the email list.

1 week sponsorship: $100

2 week sponsorship + social media: $180

4 week sponsorship + social media: $360

Event Sponsorship:

YJP’s events marketing reaches 6000+ via social media, and over 350 in-person event attendees. From First Fridays Shabbat Dinner, and Passover Seders to YJP’s Signature Chanukah, Purim, and White parties, it is a great platform to advertise your business while helping YJP grow at the same time.

First Friday sponsor: $1800
+ 2 week Chai Times featured sponsor

YJP Holiday event co-sponsor: $2500
+ 4 week Chai Times featured sponsor

YJP Holiday event lead sponsor: $5000
+ 4 week Chai Times featured sponsor

Total Amount
Registration Info
Please write your dedication or sponsorship message here: (Credit Card)
Billing Name and Address